THE SCIENCE – SKINS Compression US Skip to content
Trusted 30+ Years | Pioneers of Sports Compression
Preferred by Trainers | Worn by Athletes in the NFL, MLB, MLR, NHL, and More
Rated 4.7/5 Stars | Free Returns & Exchanges



Over 25 years of research and testing has gone into SKINS Compression Sportswear. It was the first (and best) Compression Sportswear on the market in 1996, and to this day, it sits firmly at the top of the compression game thanks to its advanced technologies and intelligent designs.

SKINS gradient compression takes compression sportswear to another level. The engineering and technology involved ensures that athletes genuinely benefit from the compression they apply.

We're not just saying this. SKINS has been under the scientific and research microscope since it began all those years ago. In fact, we lead the industry with peer-reviewed journal publications. We're actually allowed to say that SKINS makes you a better athlete in both performance and recovery.

We're not going to give all of our secrets away, but the technology involved in our fabrics and even the stitching helps elevate SKINS to the next level.

The amount of research published on the functional parameters of SKINS is unrivaled within the sports compression wear industry. While other brands like to use our research to make general statements on the benefits of compression, we conduct our own in-depth research on our garments. We do this to ensure that the claims on the tin are what you will receive. No marketing hype, just a commitment to being true to the science.

  • Mr Dayne Walker, Researcher - School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Australia

  • Melinda Wosik, Clinical Trials Coordinator - Western Sydney Area Health

  • Melissa Hagan, Clinical Researcher - MPRO

  • Dr John Jakeman, Teaching Fellow; Strength and Conditioning - University of Abertay, Dundee

Mr Joshua Sear, Researcher - Central Queensland University and High-Performance Development Coordinator - Cycling Australia

  • Chris McManus, Human Performance Unit Manager, The University of Essex, United Kingdom

With numerous peer-reviewed studies conducted by some of the world's best and brightest, SKINS compression has many performance and recovery benefits

- Increases venous return

- Reduces exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD)

- Accelerates recovery processes

- Removes lactic acid faster

- Increases strength and power

- Improves endurance

- Increases muscle oxygenation

- Improves body temperature control

- Reduces in-flight ankle oedema

Basically, SKINS compression gives you the benefit of a better performance without the pain.

If you're like us and want to understand the nitty-gritty of the science behind SKINS, check out the studies below. If you'd like to stay informed of the latest research and studies, sign up for our newsletter.

SKINS Increase Endurance Performance

SKINS Running Economy 

SKINS Help to Increase Power 

SKINS Help to Reduce the Risk of Injury and Speed up the Recovery Process

SKINS Help to Improve Subsequent Performance in Strength, Power and Endurance Activities

SKINS Facilitate Faster Recovery After a Long-haul Flight 

SKINS Thermoregulation 


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Trusted 30+ Years | Pioneers of Sports Compression
Worn by Pros | Preferred by athletes in the NFL, MLB, MLR, NHL, and more
Guaranteed Satisfaction | Free Returns & Exchanges